FREB Log Formatter

Windows This is a Community Contributed Download

Supported byEmail
Works WithIIS 7, IIS 7.5
DocumentationFREB Log Formatter Documentation
Updated onSeptember 29, 2010
Uploaded bySaurabh Singh


This tool creates a copy of all the FREB logs that you specify in a folder and rename them with more description. The description includes properties associated with the request like time-stamp, requested page, Application pool, HTTP verb like GET or POST etc, status code of the request, time taken by the request in the IIS pipeline.


Using this tool you can get a more customized name for the various log files that are generated using FREB. This is helpful in scenarios when you have a lot of FREB logs to look at and you are looking for ways to narrow down your search based on specific properties like the requested resource, status code, time taken fields etc.


Convenience when analyzing multiple FREB logs.


.Net 3.5